Online Collections Database
2 Men, 2 Ladies, Girl in Pink Dress
Lady standing by tree planter, wearing a printed cotton [?] dress with a white ground floral
shawl. Collapsed sleeves, V shaped bodice and belt with buckle. Wide white collar. White
flaring bonnet with a plume. Next is wearing a white dress with V neck finished with collarlike
white frill all around, double-puffed sleeves, blue ribbon sash, blue ribbons in lingerie
cap. Little girl in pink dress with black spots, triple-puffed sleeves, white Turkish trowsers.
Man in blue tailoat over a white waistcoat with red sprigs, blue-gray pantaloons. Friend
show back of brown frock coat with white pantaloons and gray top hat. 7 views of bonnets.
Bruce and Susan Greene Costume Collection
Moden Z Plate 31
men's fashionwomen's fashiondresscoatha
Old Number
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