Online Collections Database
3 Headdresses, 6 Bodice Coverings
"handkerchief" cap with green and black trim. White cap with black and pale blue trim. Cap
almost entirely consisting of wide yellow ribbon with black bands and black lace edging.
Pelerine-bertha of rows of fringe, ribbon and lace, with short sleeves. Deep V shaped collar
of white frilled with pink ribbon threaded along heading. White pelerine of net with red
ribbon zigzags. White jacket of net trimmed with narrow black ribbon and a green bow.
Deep V collar made of 2 rows of frills alternating with green ribbon. White muslin jacket
trimmed with red and black ribbon.
Bruce and Susan Greene Costume Collection
Journal des Demoiselles, Plate No. 1
1858 - 1860
printfashion platehandkerchief capcappelerineberthajacket
Old Number
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