Online Collections Database
4 Men in Plaid Boy
First in a frock coat, perhaps gray twill, over brown tailcoat. It has two buttons on tabs for
closure. Shawl collar. Pale blue pantaloons with small spurs on boots. Second in dark blue
frock coat with wide curved lapes. Plastron cravat, gray large-scale plaid pantaloons. Third
shows the back, blue and black bold plaid pantaloons. Fourth has what I assume is the
newly curved morning coat, blue, deep, wide, curved lapels. Blue and white bold plaid on
bias, waistcoat, high wide lapels. Red cravat. Gray plaid pantaloons. Bou wears loose
waist length brown jacket with white frill collar and cuffs. Blue striped peg top pantaloons.
Jaunty beret with long tassle.
Bruce and Susan Greene Costume Collection
Extra Blatt, Siebentes [7th]
Old Number
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