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2 Men in Coats, 2 Ladies in Wraps
First wears dress with widely spaced red motifs, draped bodice, lace gigot sleeves with double mancherons. Wide brim hat of stiffened white cloth with red floral sprays on
one underside of brim. Olive green shawl or cloak. Other wearing heavy black full length
coat with bulky sleeves, perhaps fur shawl collar going down to the hem. Huge hat with
flowers and ribbons, red dress. Man, with full length gray topcoat flaring open over a dark blue frock coat buttoned all the way up, black pantaloons. Friend wears knee length coat with wide open revers of dark blue. Patterned orange waistcoat and light blue pantaloons. Striped cravat. Back view of the white hat, front view of a purple wide-brimmed hat with white frills and trimmings.
Bruce and Susan Greene Costume Collection
Moden Z, Plate No. 50
Old Number
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