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4 Men and a Boy in a Hotel, Half Sofa
First wears a brown, very long-waisted frock coat with wide black collar, breast pocket over
a double breasted blue tailcoat. Small bow cravat. Gray pantaloons. Second, in a red chair,
wears a black froock coat with very wide lapels over a long, double pointed waistcoat of
striped silk. Long green plastron cravat. Black pantaloons. Third wears a double breasted
tailcoat with rounded tails and light pantaloons. Fourth wears frock coat similar to second
with white collarless waistcoat filled in with blue plastron cravat, and light blue striped
pantaloons. Boy wears a short fitted coat reaching to the hip, topped with a simply edged
white collar. Rather baggy white checked pantaloons.
Bruce and Susan Greene Costume Collection
Extra Blatt, Elftes
Old Number
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