Matching Gifts

Generously increase your gift with a corporate match

GCV&M succeeds thanks to donations from people like you – and employers who support you and the community through your giving.

You may be able to double your support to GCV&M with a corporate match gift today. Matching gifts are an easy way to help make an even bigger impact, at no additional cost to you. Employers can often match gifts, even membership contributions – although please note that matching gifts do not change your membership level. You may submit matching gift information at any time during your membership year or after you’ve already made your charitable donation. Some corporations even give matches or grants to institutions when their employees give volunteer hours!

Contact your Human Resources department to see if your employer matches your giving, fill out the information they need, and let us know.

Phone: 585-294-8252
FAX: 585-538-2887

Postal mail:
Genesee Country Village & Museum
Attn: Development
P.O. Box 310
Mumford, NY 14511