We couldn't do it without our volunteers!
Genesee Country Village & Museum involves many volunteers in dynamic and engaging opportunities and relies on volunteers to successfully assist in running many of our programs and events.
Volunteer Opportunities
Special Events Assistants – Year-round opportunities; lend a helping hand with event registration, greeting guests and serving as way finders, providing crowd control, ticket sales, logistical support, or program delivery.
Food Servers – Servers needed in food tents during special event programs, scooping ice cream, and working on a buffet line – under the direction and supervision of Food Service staff. Training provided.
Village Relief – Provide relief when Historic Village Interpreters are on break or at lunch. Relief volunteers generally wear street clothes and are on hand to share limited information about the building. They also help as tasting assistants and crowd control within and out of historic buildings. Mentoring and building information is provided.
19th-Century Base Ball Program – volunteer to be a part of the vintage base ball program. Please email Brian Nagel at BNagel@gcv.org for more information.
Gardens & Grounds – Work under the instruction and supervision of Museum Master Gardeners. Common garden skills are not required, but a thirst for knowledge is! General landscape maintenance and grass cutting, planting and weeding of historic gardens, and pruning of our orchards. The ability to work in various weather conditions is a must.
Nature Center – Provide community education, help with trail maintenance, be a Nest Box Monitor, or serve as a Visiting Expert for summer camp programs. Also, provide special event program support.
The Nutts – Scraping and painting fences, benches, tables, buildings, and sundry items. Other small projects as needed. Work independently or with a small group.
Behind the Scenes – Assist in day-to-day office support by answering phones on weekends, filing, shredding, printing, preparing mailings, data entry, and researching new programs and educational materials.