National History Day: Regional Competition

Save the Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025


Calling all history buffs in grades 6-12!

National History Day is your chance to explore a historical topic that sparks your curiosity. Dive deep into the past, uncover fascinating stories, and then bring them to life through a project YOU get to choose!

  • What is National History Day? National History Day encourages students to research a historical topic related to specific theme and create a project in a format of their choice.
  • Who can participate? Any student in grades 6-12 who live in the Genesee Valley Region: Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Alleghany, Monroe, and Livingston counties.
  • When does it take place? The regional competition will be held on March 1, 2025 at Genesee Country Village & Museum.
  • What happens if I win at the regional competition? You move on to NYS finals, with the possibility to then advance to Nationals in DC.

New: Register HERE for a free webinar on 11/19 to learn about this year’s theme!

Ready to unleash your inner historian?

Get all the info and resources to participate in National History Day on our regional website below or email for more info.

This Year's Theme: Rights and Responsibilities

From the NHD website-

“To study rights and responsibilities in history, we must ask questions. Who decides who has rights? Does everyone have the same rights? Who decides on the limits individuals should or should not have? Why? What led to establishing certain rights, and to whom were they given? How have people, governments, or institutions decided what parameters should be set to enforce responsibilities? How are such decisions justified?”


What is the time commitment?

Under the “Teacher’s Main” tab, you can view the National History Day Timeline and Benchmarks document:

This is only a suggestion for a way to work with NHD. Many NHD teachers in the state have successfully worked with the program on shorter or longer timeframes.

How much does it cost?

Each student pays a $5 fee to enter the competition. This $5 fee includes the student’s competition entry, admission to the Museum for the day, and one (1) adult chaperone entry to the Museum for the day). 

If a student’s parents have a Museum membership – can that student be admitted for free?

Thank you for being a Museum Member! In the instance of education programs, all students must pay regardless of membership status.

Can other family members attend the regional competition?

Family members are invited to attend to view the projects and awards ceremony at no cost. However, if any additional family members wish to also visit the Museum grounds, they must purchase an admission ticket. 

How long is the event?

Students can start setting up their projects at 8:00, with judging starting at 9:00 and awards ceremony at 1:00.

Can I drop my child off?

Yes, as long as there is one adult/teacher staying with their group. 

Can we eat lunch at the Museum?

Yes, we recommend bringing snacks and lunch for your students to enjoy while at the competition. Students can also purchase pizza, drinks and light snacks at the Meeting Center where the competition takes place. Large pizza orders should be placed ahead of time by contacting

Will the Museum gift shop be open?

The Flint Hill Gift Shop will be open from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. on this date. 

What else will be open?

The Flint Hill Gift Shop, Nature Center, John L. Wehle Art Gallery, and Historic Village will all be open to visitors from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.  

Please note: if you wish to visit the Nature Center, John L. Wehle Art Gallery, or Historic Village, you must purchase an admission ticket. 

The Meeting Center Cafe will be open from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.