Yuletide in the Country Credits
Thank you to all of our talented Yuletide in the Country Performers and Crew!
Tour Guides / Joy Nichols
Audrey Bidwell, Catherine Clark, Angi Conti, Kathy Dauer, Gail Fowler, Angela Gallagher, Megan Knopf, Bronwyn Lucyszyn, Briar-Rose Murphy, Susan Price, and Jessica Skehan
Audrey Bidwell, Catherine Clark, Angi Conti, Kathy Dauer, Gail Fowler, Angela Gallagher, Megan Knopf, Bronwyn Lucyszyn, Briar-Rose Murphy, Susan Price, and Jessica Skehan
Bridging Worlds scene
Louanna MacKay – Beth Knopf, Susan Leurgans
Mary MacKay – Hannah Harmon, Kathryn Pedersen
Gathered by the Hearth scene
Sylvester Hosmer – Parker Conti
Laura Hosmer – Joann Backus
Silas Thompson – David Avery
Nora Bellamy – Luane Davis-Haggerty
Communal Revelry scene
Elizabeth – Kelly McColl
Stephen – Stephen Griffith
Elihu Mumford – Tommy Mach
Dancers – Emily Meissener, Rachel Lockhart, Meaghan Griffith, Ari Arnold, Emma Van Hise, Monica Devine-Haley, Melinda Petrison, Thad Mart, Isaac Evans, Ainsley Tangel, Ephraim Tangel, Emma Frogman, Hannah Milbrandt
Fiddler – Alyssa Rodriguez
Nyckelharpist – Barbara French
Candlelight Conversation scene
Sarah Friedman – Pamela Boy, Christine Kieber
A Warm Welcome scene
Jorgen Johnson – Nathan Juhl, Peter Schermerhorn
Karin Johnson – Rowan Harris, Sasha Huang
Ingrid Johnson – Leah Camilleri, Kathryn Pedersen
Erik Johnson – Dalton Mazzo
Light in the Darkness scene
Mary Steward – Elizabeth Juba
Austin Steward – Douglas Curry
The Spirit of Togetherness scene
Kris Nichols – Ashton Trenton
Nicholas Nichols – Ken Dauer
Female Understudy – Bronwyn Lucyszyn
Male Understudy – Kris Wysowski
Lighting Crew
Melanie Baldeck, Mary Challman, Sage Glann, Adam Henne, Bec Hurd, and Jim Slining
Beth Bojarski, Lindsay Gall, Grae Taylor, and Rebecca Ward
Writers & Editors
Beth Bojarski, Laura Dumohosky, Lindsay Gall, Stephen Griffith, Grace Taylor, and Rebecca Ward
Decorating Crew
Emily Conable, Jacob Horner, Christine Kieber, Kim Mattison, Alicia Pitt, Timothy Spencer, Rachel Volna, and Jennifer Wright